Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Look what the postman brought me.

I decided to post all the things the postman has brought me over the past couple of days. I'm such an ebay fiend Photobucket! Our poor old postman always comes to the door struggling with my parcels haha Photobucket. Anyways, here are the things I've had over the last few days.






This cardigan I bought with customisation in mind. I've also bought myself 6ft of white lace to add to it. I'm thinking of putting a trim over where the white lines go around the bottom and the sleeves. I'm also going to take off the anchor I think too. I'm not sure though, it's growing on me.


I also thought I'd include some hair and make shots of the past few days.

I decided to try really uber-teasing my hair and curling it. Sorry for the over-photoshoppedness, I've just got CS5 and wanted to play around Photobucket.

This is me trying another straight style and some simple make-up. Sorry for the blurred-ness!

And, as a bonus picture, here's my boyfriend being seriously gangster Photobucket.


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